The North Shore Medical Spa uses non-surgical body contouring alternatives to smooth and shape your body. The two main areas we focus on are treatments to tighten and reinvigorate the dermal layer of the skin and treatments that focus on cellulite and subcutaneous fatty deposits (cellulite).
Are you finding it hard to reduce those love handles, saddlebags or the pouch belly? Do you want to shrink those fatty bags under your upper arms or below your chin? Are you one of the millions of men and women who, no matter how hard you exercise or what type of diet you try, these problem fat areas of your body just won’t go away?
Then try our state-of-the-art VaserShape procedure. We are proud to be the first clinic to offer this revolutionary treatment, which was popularized in Europe and now recently FDA-approved for use in the United States. It is a non-invasive, non-surgical technique that uses high-frequency (1MHz) ultrasound waves to warm the targeted area and treat the underlying fatty tissue. This is used in conjunction with zonal lymphatic massage to drain away excess toxins and fats from the body. It temporarily reduces the appearance of cellulite and gets you closer to the smooth body you desire.
Has your skin lost that smooth, firm feel? Do you wish that the skin around your face and neck were just a little tighter? Are you looking for safer, non-invasive alternative to a traditional face-lift?
Then try our SkinTyte treatment, which stimulates the production of new collagen, elastin and other components of the extracellular matrix. This tissue remodeling results in the thickening of the dermis and the contraction of elastin fibers that ultimately leads to an improvement in skin firmness.
All of our services are performed in our beautiful Lake Success office using strictly minimally invasive techniques and only local anesthesia, so you will experience minimal pain, minimal downtime, and minimal, if any, scarring.