Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that can enhance the appearance of the skin to make it look smoother, clearer, and younger. Just one IPL photofacial session can produce many of the same long-term benefits as a combination of skincare products used over a long period.

Here’s more about IPL photofacials and their skin rejuvenation benefits, and how to contact North Shore Med Spa to request a consultation and learn more about this aesthetic service.

What Is an IPL Photofacial?

An IPL photofacial uses therapeutic wavelengths of pulsing light to heal the skin and improve its appearance. A beam of light is aimed at the parts of the skin being treated, which heats up the deepest layers underneath without harming delicate tissues. This stimulates the skin’s collagen and elastin production and promotes natural exfoliation so the outer layer of the skin can shed its old, damaged skin cells to reveal the new, clearer layer of skin below.

This skin rejuvenation treatment is non-invasive—meaning it requires no injections and no incisions, and produces no downtime. Each session lasts about 30 minutes. IPL photo facial therapy can treat a wide range of skin conditions, including age spots, acne scarring, spider veins, rosacea, and much more.

What Are the Long-Term Benefits of IPL Photofacials?

Though results are often noticeable after just one photofacial session, most people need between five and eight sessions to achieve the long-term benefits of this treatment. Below are some of the many long-term benefits of IPL photofacials.

A Younger-Looking Appearance

Brown spots, fine lines, and broken blood vessels are some signs of aging that IPL photofacial therapy can improve. After a few sessions about three weeks apart, these signs of aging will gradually fade and become less noticeable as new skin cells replace old skin cells. The result is a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance and clearer skin.

Improvement in Sun Damaged Skin

Excess sun exposure can lead to the breakdown of collagen in the skin—leaving it more vulnerable to sagging, freckles, fine lines, and a rough texture. An IPL photofacial can boost and restore collagen production, which may help diminish signs of sun damage and make them less noticeable over time.

Fewer Visible Veins and Capillaries

Broken veins and capillaries on the face can be caused by factors, including sun damage, hormone changes, genetics, and injuries. During IPL phototherapy, red blood cells in the skin absorb the therapeutic light, which helps dissolve and reduce the appearance of visible veins and capillaries. IPL phototherapy may also reduce the redness, flushing, and inflammation caused by rosacea.

Reduction in Acne Scarring

Acne medications may have the ability to reduce acne, but they cannot reduce the appearance of scarring. The increased collagen production that is triggered by IPL phototherapy can help plump the skin to make acne scarring less visible. This skin rejuvenation treatment can also turn over dead skin cells to make way for new, healthy skin cells that reduce the appearance of scarring.

Who Are Ideal Candidates for IPL Photofacials?

IPL photofacial therapy is ideal for anyone who wants to improve the overall appearance of their skin and achieve a more youthful look. Also, this therapy tends to be favorable among those who want a non-invasive or minimally invasive alternative to cosmetic surgery treatments such as facelift surgery.

An IPL photofacial may treat the following skin conditions:

  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Birthmarks
  • Liver spots, age spots, or brown spots
  • Broken blood vessels and capillaries
  • Discoloration
  • Fine lines
  • Spider veins

An aesthetician or skin specialist can help determine whether IPL photofacial is the right cosmetic treatment for an individual based on their unique skin condition and what they hope to accomplish with treatment.

North Shore Med Spa offers a wide range of skin rejuvenation treatments, including IPL photofacials. Our facials can be customized for you based on your unique aesthetic goals. Contact us today at (516) 441-5110 to request a consultation and learn more about our services.